Spice v0.17-beta (July 29, 2024)

Announcing the first beta release of Spice.ai OSS! 🎉

The core Spice runtime has graduated from alpha to beta! Components, such as Data Connectors and Models, follow independent release milestones. Data Connectors graduating from alpha to beta include databricks, spiceai, postgres, s3, odbc, and mysql. From beta to 1.0, project will be to on improving performance and scaling to larger datasets.

This release also includes enhanced security with Transport Layer Security (TLS) secured APIs, a new spice install CLI command, and several performance and stability improvements.

Highlights in v0.17-beta

  • Encryption in transit with TLS: The HTTP, gRPC, Metrics, and OpenTelemetry (OTEL) API endpoints can be secured with TLS by specifying a certificate and private key in PEM format.

Enable TLS using the --tls-certificate-file and --tls-key-file command-line flags:

spice run -- --tls-certificate-file /path/to/cert.pem --tls-key-file /path/to/key.pem

Or configure in the spicepod.yml:

    certificate_file: /path/to/cert.pem
    key_file: /path/to/key.pem

Get started with TLS by following the TLS Sample. For more details see the TLS Documentation.

  • spice install: Running the spice install CLI command will download and install the latest version of the runtime.
spice install
  • Improved SQLite and DuckDB compatibility: The SQLite and DuckDB accelerators support more complex queries and additional data types.

  • Pass through arguments from spice run to runtime: Arguments passed to spice run are now passed through to the runtime.

  • Secrets replacement within connection strings: Secrets are now replaced within connection strings:

  - from: mysql:my_table
    name: my_table
      mysql_connection_string: mysql://user:${secrets:mysql_pw}@localhost:3306/db

Breaking Changes

The odbc data connector is now optional and has been removed from the released binaries. To use the odbc data connector, use the official Spice Docker image or build the Spice runtime from source.

To build Spice from source with the odbc feature:

cargo build --release --features odbc

To use the official Spice Docker image from DockerHub:

# Pull the latest official Spice image
docker pull spiceai/spiceai:latest

# Pull the official v0.17-beta Spice image
docker pull spiceai/spiceai:0.17.0-beta


  • @y-f-u
  • @peasee
  • @digadeesh
  • @phillipleblanc
  • @ewgenius
  • @sgrebnov
  • @Sevenannn
  • @lukekim

What’s Changed



Full Changelog: https://github.com/spiceai/spiceai/compare/v0.16.0-alpha...v0.17-beta



Spice.ai started with the vision to make AI easy for developers. We are building Spice.ai in the open and with the community. Reach out on Discord or by email to get involved.